My love for comic characters began around age 7 with Batman: The Animated Series and X-Men: The Animated Series. My favorite comic character, however, is Spider-Man, and I especially like the Maximum Carnage arc. Other geeky fandoms of mine include Star Wars, Labyrinth, and Game of Thrones. I attended my first pop culture and comic convention in 2015 and have been hooked ever since! I enjoy cosplaying and hope to join a local volunteer charity organization that utilizes cosplay to give back to the community. I have a doctorate in clinical psychology and enjoy talking to others about how psychological concepts apply to my geeky interests.
My indoctrination into comics started way before I even knew I liked comics. I grew up a huge Superman fan thanks to my dad. My first movie ever watched was the 1978 Superman with Christopher Reeve (forever a classic). Since that time, I have learned to appreciate many comic book characters and the life lessons that they teach us.
I am currently Licensed as a Professional Counselor in the state of Arizona and have worked with many populations over the last ten years. Early in my career I began to notice a strong correlation between psychology and comic books. Ever since then, I have been fascinated by the many psychological parallels that develop in comics that can be applied to our everyday lives. In short (not really), Comic books and their characters can teach us a great deal about our selves, others, and the world (thank you, Dr. Ellis).
I enjoy Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Game of Thrones (who doesn't), Lord of the Rings, most Disney classic movies (yeah, I can admit that), and I have a weird obsession with the movie 12 Angry Men (I know, not comic related).
My hope is that all who come to our site find something of interest or a way to learn something that they did not know before. Our love and passion for comics continues to grow and I hope yours does as well.